Library Name:
Valves and Valve Operation
Created By:
Valve and Valve Operation Library:
The OEG Valve Library provides the new operator with a solid knowledge and understanding of the various valve types and where, why they are used in a processing environment. This makes the OEG Valve Library a excellent learning resource for the new operator and an great refresher and resource for the incumbent. All of the content provided in this library can be used as desired in the learning resources developed by your SME's and learning development professionals.
Sub Libraries:
- Isolation Valves
- Control Valves
- Check & Pressure Relief Valves
- Flanges & Piping
- Automated Valve Controls
- Valve Inspection & Operation
Relevant videos, images, workshops, quiz questions, critical thinking exercises, summaries and facilitation notes are included.
We are constantly adding additional content to our libraries. For more information regarding our libraries, their content and cost, please contact us.